Sunday, November 16, 2008

He has arrived

Jackson Holden Bressler 8lb 20 inches 11/14/2008 blog name "SLIDER"

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The reason I have a pic of my daughter and hubby is that I am going to be the proud G-PA of a grandson in October. They were here over Xmas. They called me on my b-day March 1 and told me the news. Name is going to be Jackson Holden Bressler. My daughter is a grad of MIT, chem, and my son-in-law is a grad of Humbolt. They live in Auburn Ca.....
Also Mrs. Curveball,funny, oldest daughter is due in August a girl. She lives in Sacramento CA. I told them I will come over when they are potty trained. I will start teaching Jackson to be a QB starting at the age of 3. I am thinking golf or tennis for the little girl. To bad I live 2500 miles away.